This blog post is inspired by the National Financial Congress (NFC) which I attended recently.
This is an annual event organised by the IFPAS (Insurance and Financial Practitioners Association of Singapore), where they bring together experienced and successful practitioners from Singapore and around the region to share their experiences so we can learn best practices and improve ourselves.
This is not my first time attending the NFC but this year’s event is one that left me moved and inspired..
Many of the speakers at the event are industry veterans who have been advising clients and grooming practitioners for decades. What struck me was their immense passion and pride in their work, which kept them going in spite of initial challenges and changes over the years.
Make a Positive Difference
Even though the speakers spoke on different topics, there was a common underlying message, which was
To go out there to make a positive difference in the lives of our clients.
Their sharing gave me renewed inspiration and the faith that I’m moving in the right direction.
Knowing that I am making a positive difference to my clients is what keeps me going:
- Writing articles (although it sometimes takes hours to come up with one ;),
- Stepping out to give talks and raise awareness,
- Reaching out to help people secure adequate protection and achieve their financial dreams.
I love the sense of fulfillment and joy when my clients thank me and tell me that they felt more secured and confident about their future, when seminar participants feedback that they have learnt a lot and when my blog readers email me to encourage me to keep up the writing :)
Thank You
Thank you to all my clients, friends, readers and supporters who have been with me all these years. Thank you for your friendship and trust and giving me the opportunity to make a difference in your lives.
I will continue to grow and improve myself so I can be of greater service and add more value to your lives and the ones you care about. And live true to my mission to help people enjoy greater peace of mind, security and happiness.
“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give” ~ Winston Churchill
To your Success and Happiness,
Yong Hui
P/S: I’m always on a look out for ways to better serve and contribute to people’s financial well being, if you have some ideas or suggestions, please feel free to drop your comment below or email me, I would love to hear from you!